What I learned today from Dan Rockwell is how to create positive work environments in an office, or in an online community. These tips will work well in any group situation.

create positive work environment

I love improving myself, especially in becoming a good leader in my tiny work world. So here are a few red flags we should watch out for when we become a boss:

  • If people start worrying when you show up, you’re a downer.
  • If people love to see you leave, you’re a loser.
  • If your team hates receiving calls from you, you’re a lousy leader.

People in positive work environments love to see the boss coming. They love seeing you because they’ll go further with you than without you.

17 Ways To Create Positive Work Environments

  1. Develop people.
  2. Know what they do best and leverage it.
  3. Clearly define expectations.
  4. Trust them to act.
  5. Support them when they fail.
  6. Always give credit and take blame. No one likes seeing a blamer.
  7. Believe in them – you’re on their team.
  8. See opportunities more than problems.
  9. Help find solutions.
  10. Keep out of the way.
  11. Encourage, enable, and inspire.
  12. Protect from bureaucracy.
  13. Value them as individuals.
  14. Don’t talk about yourself, too much. Let people know you, however.
  15. Don’t talk on and on ….
  16. Make people feel listened to by asking more than stating.
  17. Give others what you wish others would give you.

How are you building a positive work environment?

Which of these ideas do you find most important?

You can find the original blog post here.